Tuesday 5 February 2019

say no to the proposals

Taking care of your diet to lose weight does not mean leaving aside the social life you share with your family and friends. If you think that the best thing is to stay at home and say no to the proposals that you have to go out and enjoy, you are wrong.

That is not sustainable over time and can cause sadness https://foodsocietyx.com, discouragement and anxiety. You must learn to enjoy without compromising your goal. Choose the healthiest options you have at your fingertips, moderate the amounts, know how to say no without fear and do not fall into the error of compensating for excesses with fasting or other types of behavior. Changing your behavior in these types of situations will help you maintain a healthy weight for longer.

600 calories a day

In addition to the above, many people benefit from intermittent fasting. Fasting is an extended period of time in which one does not eat, the most common is 8:16 in which fasting is maintained for 16 hours and then there is an 8-hour window where food can be consumed.

Another version of intermittent fasting is 5: 2 https://fitcrasher.com, it is kept in a standard Ketogenic diet for 5 days and then 2 days are taken in which it is going to be in the diet but with an important restriction of calories, frequently consumed only between 500 and 600 calories a day.